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Nature vs. Nurture

Prompt// Frankenblogs Paper

Word Count// 376


The monster learns about the world by simply living in it. He does not learn from a parent figure or by being in a family. He learns from watching the interactions around him. Specifically, he watches the DeLacey family and how they live. He also learns from reading books. These two things play a role in the fact that he is able to see how real people live. He can see how humans are supposed to act and interact with others. Books show him how other people outside of his bubble live and that not one person lives the same way. He also learns about the heartache of this world from the family and how people can get down. He is able to learn how to speak through reading too. He learns how to communicate with the people around him and that this is their primary way of spreading information they want people to know.

Rejection, abandonment, and isolation play a role in the social component of Mo's life. Mo begins to see how others interact with each other, mainly through the DeLacey family, and wants that but does not know how to get it because he did not have anyone there to nurture him. I feel sympathy for Mo and for his situation. He never asked to be in this kind of situation and to not have a parent to help him. I have a big heart for kids who struggle because of not having parents there for them. They do not know what it is like to have parents there for you and do not know what to expect going into the world.

The way that Mo acts is a result of his nurture. He was not born an evil creature. Though it may seem that way, he was really just not sure of what was going on around him and could not see anything when he came to life. As a result of these two things, he freaked out and scared Victor. He became evil because of that fact that he was not nurtured as a child. He began to see how other families worked and how much he was missing out on. This made him angry and resulted in his murderous rage.

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