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Prompt// What is the role of ethics in scientific research? How can the pursuit of knowledge be dangerous? Just because technology exists, should it always be acted upon?

Word Count// 281


I think if I was a scientist and I had the opportunity to find a cure for a disease but it meant having to discard an embryo, I would not take the opportunity. I believe that life begins at conception and that an embryo or fetus should not be aborted or thrown away. Even though it may mean finding a cure to sickness, I could not bear the thought of just throwing a life away.

The pursuit of knowledge can be dangerous in the fact that someone could be creating or changing a life that was not meant to be created. An example of this could be the "designer babies". Scientists are creating an embryo in a test tube, which to me means creating a life for them to throw it away, it's like killing a baby. In China they have a process called CRISPR that is used to edit genes. This is how they make "designer babies". I believe that scientists should not edit an embryo's genes to change how the baby will look or act. Parents should want their kid to look the way that it was made in the mother.

Just because science exists, it should not be acted upon. Just because scientists are able to alter an embryo's genes and have the power to change everything about it, does not mean that they should take action. As a Christian, I believe that all humans are made in God's image and that counts for any human inside a mother or outside. I believe that any baby that is made, is the exact way that God intended for it to be and no one should try to change that.

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